Thursday, September 2, 2010


this sentence came my way today, and it just fits how this day has felt to me:

"Practice stillness, and the stillness becomes a canvas upon which you can paint the masterpiece of your life."

quoted from Leo Babauta of Zen Habits 

(although it was an unusual day in that I did not paint at all)

this is a watercolor image that I made at least 30 years ago and I still love it...

I feel very fortunate to live in this vast stillness of desert and sky...

another clear day with a spotless sky over a sea of creosote...
from where I live this is the view of the Sheephole Mountains, about 15 miles to the east...


  1. Tina--every time I visit your blog I am refreshed. You often remind me of Georgia O'Keefe. I appreciate how you love the desert; I wish I was closer. Someday I want to come out and see the studio.


  2. thanks, Barb!
    how delightful to hear from you...
    I would love to have a studio visit from you...
    I will be hosting an Open Studio in conjunction with the Joshua Tree area Open Studio Tours ... my hours will be Fri Oct 29 noon-5pm. and from 9am-5pm on Saturday and Sunday, Oct 30 and 31. There will be more about this on my blog as it gets closer.


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